I was on a hunt to find really insprational pictures for a basic idea for my room. Like everyone else, I love Paris Themed Decor but then, I really like modern, bright and colourful decor. Here are two example photos here:
I think these two pictures represent really well on my room decor type and personality. I'm girly, but also with a fun cheerful side. i wouldn't say I'm too girly, because I'm a huge fan of sports :-).
The room theme I think should be paris themed. i did not decide it to be pink, black and white- that combination is extremely popular so I decided to go with multi coloured, paris decor and modern furniture. I think that sounds pretty good!
A website that I ABSOLUTELY LOVE is ElleandBlair.com. Elle ( she is allthatglitters21 from youtube ) is a major decor lover, and she has the exact same decor thinking, but her ideas for decor are a little bit more mature that I am. Elle and Blair are amazing at room decor, Blair's room decor is bright and cheerful while Elle's is more paris and romantic. If I could only somehow find a way to put those together..
Here are some really inspirational ( I've said that a gazillion times now ) pictures from their site:
Link to that post here
Link to that post here
Link to that post here
Link to that post here
Ok there are so much more, but these are some of the ones that I really really love.
Every room has a statement accesory, and one acccesory that I love are CANDLES.
Candles look so pretty, and they give a sweet scent to your entire room. I prefer the candles by Modern Light, I wish we had a Bath and Body Works here in NZ but we unfortunately, don't.
I hope this post was helpful ( and super duper long! ), and have you got any decor ideas or any decor website you would reccomend? let me know by commenting!
P.S: Look up ROOM TOUR on Youtube to find inspiration and ideas!